Thunderbird attributes Thunderbird requests the following attributes when querying an LDAP server: (based off of observations of queries to an LDAP server rather than the code) notes description o company mail mozillaCustom3 custom3 l locality mozillaUseHtmlMail xmozillausehtmlmail mozillaCustom2 custom2 mozillaHomeCountryName ou department departmentnumber orgunit mobile cellphone carphone telephoneNumber title mozillaCustom1 custom1 mozillaNickname xmozillanickname mozillaWorkUrl workurl fax facsimileTelephonenumber commonname cn modifytimestamp mozillaSecondEmail xmozillasecondemail mozillaCustom4 custom4 nsAIMid nscpamscreenname street streetaddress postOfficeBox givenName homePhone mozillaHomeUrl homeurl mozillaHomeStreet st region mozillaHomePostalCode mozillaHomeLocalityName birthyear mozillaWorkStreet2 mozillaHomeStreet2 postalCode zip c countryname pager pagerphone sn surname mozillaHomeState